Модуль используется в шаблоне {{Тӱжвал кылверла}}.

-- Localizable part
-- Please, note, that labels to various sites and cataloges are taken from Wikidata (i.e. Wikidata label)

local linksPrefix = ''
local project = 'Википедий'
local categoryTemplateEmpty = project .. ':Кышкар «Тӱжвал кылверла» пуст'
local categoryWithWikimediaCommons = project .. ':Статьи со ссылками на Викисклад'
local templateLink = 'Тӱжвал кылверла'

local group1Label = '[[' .. linksPrefix .. 'Социал вапш|Социал вапш-влакыште]]'
local group2Label = 'Ойсаска текст-влак'
local group3Label = 'Сӱрет, видео ден аудио'
local group4Label = 'Тематик сайтла'
local group5Label = 'Мутерла ден энциклопедийла'
local group6Label = '[[' .. linksPrefix .. 'Норматив контроль|Норматив контроль]]'

-- The language codes that should be always displayed even if they have normal rank and claim with another language and prefferered rank exists
local preferredLanguage = 'Q7737'; -- russian

function categoryAuthorityControl( code )
	return false; --project .. ':Статьи, содержащие ' .. code .. ' код'
function categoryExternalLink( code )
	return false; --project .. ':Статьи с внешними ссылками:' .. code

local templateColorName = 'тӱс';
-- some project have "named" colors, defined by templates
function colorByTitle( frame, colorTitle )
	local templateName = 'Тӱс/' .. colorTitle;
	local templateTitle = mw.title.makeTitle( 'Template', templateName );
	if ( templateTitle == nil or not templateTitle.exists ) then
		return false;
	return frame:expandTemplate{ title = templateName };

local dictionaries = {

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	{ id = 'Q4086271',		title = 'Библейская',						project = 'ruwikisource',	projectCode = 's:'	},
	{ id = 'P1296',			title = 'Кугу каталонысо',				linkF = function ( id ) return 'http://www.enciclopedia.cat/enciclopèdies/gran-enciclopèdia-catalana/EC-GEC-' .. id .. '.xml' end	},
	{ id = 'P2924',			title = 'Кугу российысе',				linkF = function ( id ) return 'http://bigenc.ru/text/' .. id end,																	},
	{ id = 'Q20078554',		title = 'Кугу совет (1 савыкт.)',		project = 'ruwikisource',	projectCode = 's:'	},
--	{ id = 'Q17378135',		title = 'Кугу совет',				},
	{ id = 'Q4091878',		title = 'Кугу Южаковын',					project = 'ruwikisource',	projectCode = 's:'	},
	{ id = 'Q602358',		title = 'Брокгауз ден Ефронын',				project = 'ruwikisource',	projectCode = 's:'	},
	{ id = 'P1648',			title = 'Валлий биографик',		linkF = function ( id ) return 'http://yba.llgc.org.uk/en/' .. id .. '.html' end,													},
	{ id = 'Q4114391',		title = 'Сарзе Сытинын',					project = 'ruwikisource',	projectCode = 's:'	},
	{ id = 'Q4173137',		title = 'Еврей Брокгауз ден Ефронын',		project = 'ruwikisource',	projectCode = 's:'	},
	{ id = 'Q4091875',		title = 'Кирилл да Мефодийын',				},
	{ id = 'P1438',			title = 'Краткая еврейская',				linkF = function ( id ) return 'http://www.eleven.co.il/article/' .. id end,														},
	{ id = 'Q4239850',		title = 'Краткая литературная'				},
	{ id = 'Q2627728',		title = 'Кругосвет'							},
	{ id = 'Q17329836',		title = 'Ларусса',							},
	{ id = 'Q17290934',		title = 'Лентапедий',						project = 'ruwikisource',	projectCode = 's:'	},
	{ id = 'Q4263804',		title = 'Литературная',						},
	{ id = 'Q19180675',		title = 'Изи Брокгауз ден Ефронын',			project = 'ruwikisource',	projectCode = 's:'	},
	{ id = 'Q27680201',		title = 'Музыкальный Римана',				project = 'ruwikisource',	projectCode = 's:'	},
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	{ id = 'Q2498180',		title = 'Танле',						},
	{ id = 'Q19211082',		title = 'Православная богословская',		project = 'ruwikisource',	projectCode = 's:'	},
	{ id = 'Q1960551',		title = 'Руш биографик',			project = 'ruwikisource',	projectCode = 's:'	},
	{ id = 'Q20078551',		title = 'Техник (1 савыкт.)',				project = 'ruwikisource',	projectCode = 's:'	},
	{ id = 'Q1970746',		title = 'В. Дальын',							project = 'ruwikisource',	projectCode = 's:'	},
	{ id = 'Q4532135',		title = 'Энциклопедик лексикон',		project = 'ruwikisource',	projectCode = 's:'	},

	{ id = 'Q590208',		title = 'Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie',		project = 'dewikisource',	projectCode = 's:de:'	},
	{ id = 'Q19077875',		title = 'American Cycl. (1879)',				project = 'enwikisource',	projectCode = 'wikisource:'	},
	{ id = 'Q19037977',		title = 'American Med. Biogr. (1920)',			project = 'enwikisource',	projectCode = 'wikisource:'	},
	{ id = 'Q12912667',		title = 'Appletons\' (1887—1901)',				project = 'enwikisource',	projectCode = 'wikisource:'	},
	{ id = 'Q20096917',		title = 'Britannica (9-th)',					project = 'enwikisource',	projectCode = 'wikisource:'	},
	{ id = 'Q867541',		title = 'Britannica (11-th)',					project = 'enwikisource',	projectCode = 'wikisource:'	},
	{ id = 'Q15987490',		title = 'Britannica (12-th)',					project = 'enwikisource',	projectCode = 'wikisource:'	},
	{ id = 'P1417',			title = 'Britannica (онлайн)',					linkF = function ( id ) return 'http://global.britannica.com/'.. id end,},
	{ id = 'Q302556',		title = 'Catholic (1907—13)',					project = 'enwikisource',	projectCode = 'wikisource:'	},
    { id = 'Q16011749',     title = 'Dictionary of Music and Musicians',    project = 'enwikisource',       projectCode = 'wikisource:'},
	{ id = 'Q15987216',		title = 'Dictionary of National Biography',		project = 'enwikisource',	projectCode = 'wikisource:' },
	{ id = 'Q16014700',		title = 'Dictionary of National Biography (1st suppl.)', project = 'enwikisource', projectCode = 'wikisource:' },
	{ id = 'Q16014697',		title = 'Dictionary of National Biography (2nd suppl.)', project = 'enwikisource', projectCode = 'wikisource:' },
	{ id = 'P1614',			title = 'History of Parliament',				linkF = function ( id ) return 'http://www.historyofparliamentonline.org/volume/' .. id end,										},
	{ id = 'Q20961706',		title = 'Infernal (6e éd.)',					project = 'frwikisource',	projectCode = 's:fr:'	},
	{ id = 'Q20089963',		title = 'New International',					project = 'enwikisource',	projectCode = 'wikisource:'	},
	{ id = 'P1415',			title = 'Оксфордысо биографик',			linkF = function ( id ) return 'http://www.oxforddnb.com/index/' .. id .. '/' end,													},
	{ id = 'P3217',			title = 'Швед биографик',				linkF = function ( id ) return 'https://sok.riksarkivet.se/sbl/Presentation.aspx?id=' .. id	end,									},
	{ id = 'P902',			title = 'Швейцар эртымгорно',				linkF = function ( id ) return 'http://www.hls-dhs-dss.ch/textes/f/F' .. id .. '.php'	end,										},
	{ id = 'P886',			title = 'Швейцар эртымгорно (online)',	linkF = function ( id ) return 'http://www.e-lir.ch/e-LIR___Lexicon.' .. id .. '.450.0.html'	end,								},

-- feed free to correct labels and categories, or add/remove sources here
local dictionaryProperties = {

-- Non-localizable part (not need to localize )
local moduleNavbox = require('Module:Navbox')

local titleBasedLinks = { ['Q602358'] = true, ['Q17290934'] = true, ['Q1960551'] = true }

local p = {}

function link( url )
	return url

function aniDBLink( id )
	local pos,_ = id:find("/")
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		return ""

	return "http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=" ..type .. "&" .. urltype .. "id=" .. number

function bavLink( id )	return 'http://viaf.org/processed/BAV%7C' .. id	end
function bibsysLink( id )	return 'http://ask.bibsys.no/ask/action/result?cmd=&kilde=biblio&cql=bs.autid+%3D+' .. id .. '&feltselect=bs.autid'	end
function bncLink( id )	return 'http://cantic.bnc.cat/registres/CUCId/' .. id	end
function bneLink( id )	return 'http://catalogo.bne.es/uhtbin/authoritybrowse.cgi?action=display&authority_id=' .. id	end
function bnfLink( id )	return 'http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb' .. id	end
function boxofficemojoLink( id )	return 'http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=' .. id .. '.htm'	end
function bpnLink( id )	return 'http://www.biografischportaal.nl/persoon/' .. id	end
function calisLink( id )	return 'http://opac.calis.edu.cn/aopac/ajsp/detail.jsp?actionfrom=1&actl=CAL++' .. id	end
function cbdbLink( id )	return 'http://db1.ihp.sinica.edu.tw/cbdbc/cbdbkmeng?~~AAA' .. id	end
function ciniiLink( id )	return 'http://ci.nii.ac.jp/author/' .. id	end
function conorLink( id )	return 'http://www.cobiss.si/scripts/cobiss?command=DISPLAY&base=CONOR&rid=' .. id	end
function chitalnyaRuLink( id )	return 'http://www.chitalnya.ru/users/' .. id .. '/'	end
function commonsWikimediaLink( id )	return ':commons:Category:' .. id	end
function dmozLink( id )	return 'http://www.dmoz.org/' .. id	end
function egaxaLink( id )	return 'http://viaf.org/processed/EGAXA%7Cvtls' .. id	end

function fanLibRuLink( id )
	local firstChar = mw.ustring.sub( id, 1, 1 )
	return 'http://fan.lib.ru/' .. firstChar .. '/' .. id .. '/'

function flickrLink( id )	return 'https://www.flickr.com/' .. id	end
function findagraveLink( id )	return 'http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=' .. id	end
function gndLink( id )	return 'http://d-nb.info/gnd/' .. id	end
function ibdbPersonLink( id )	return 'http://www.ibdb.com/person.php?id=' .. id	end
function ibdbProductionLink( id )	return 'http://www.ibdb.com/production.php?id=' .. id	end
function ibdbShowLink( id )	return 'http://www.ibdb.com/show.php?id=' .. id	end
function ibdbVenueLink( id )	return 'http://www.ibdb.com/venue.php?id=' .. id	end
function isfdbAuthorLink( id )	return 'http://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/ea.cgi?' .. id	end
function isfdbPublicationLink( id )	return 'http://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/pl.cgi?' .. id	end
function isfdbSeriesLink( id )	return 'http://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/pe.cgi?' .. id	end
function isfdbPublisherLink( id )	return 'http://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/publisher.cgi?' .. id	end
function imslpLink( id )	return 'http://imslp.org/wiki/' .. string.gsub( id, ' ', '_' )	end

function imdbLink( id )
	if string.match( id, '^ch' ) then
		return 'http://www.imdb.com/character/' .. id
	if string.match( id, '^co' ) then
		return 'http://www.imdb.com/company/' .. id
	if string.match( id, '^nm' ) then
		return 'http://www.imdb.com/name/' .. id
	if string.match( id, '^tt' ) then
		return 'http://www.imdb.com/title/' .. id

	return false

function isniLink( id )
	id = id:gsub( '[ %-]', '' ):upper()
	return 'http://isni-url.oclc.nl/isni/' .. id

function lccnLink( id )	return 'http://id.loc.gov/authorities/' .. id	end
function lastfmLink( id )	return 'http://www.lastfm.ru/music/' .. id	end

function iccuLink( id )
	id = id:gsub( '\\\\', '%5C' ):upper()
	return 'http://opac.sbn.it/opacsbn/opac/iccu/scheda_authority.jsp?bid=' .. id

function lnbLink( id )	return 'http://viaf.org/processed/LNB%7CLNC10-' .. id	end
function merimeeLink( id ) return false	end
function mixcloudLink( id )	return 'https://mixcloud.com/' .. id .. '/'	end
function musicBrainzArtistLink( id )	return 'https://musicbrainz.org/artist/' .. id	end
function musicBrainzReleazeGroupLink( id )	return 'https://musicbrainz.org/release-group/' .. id	end
function musicBrainzWorkLink( id )	return 'https://musicbrainz.org/work/' .. id	end
function nclLink( id )	return 'http://aleweb.ncl.edu.tw/F/?func=accref&acc_sequence=' .. id	end
function ndlLink( id )	return 'http://id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndlna/' .. id	end
function nlcLink( id )	return false	end
function nliLink( id )	return 'http://a20.libnet.ac.il/F?func=find-b&REQUEST=' .. id .. '&find_code=SYS&local_base=NNL10'	end
function nkcLink( id )	return 'http://aut.nkp.cz/' .. id	end
function nlaLink( id ) 	return 'http://nla.gov.au/anbd.aut-an' .. id end
function nlrLink( id ) 	return 'http://alephnew.bibnat.ro:8991/F?func=find-b&request=' .. id .. '000354872&find_code=SYS&adjacent=Y&local_base=NLR10' end
function nszlLink( id )	return 'http://viaf.org/processed/NSZL%7C' .. id	end
function nskLink( id )	return 'http://viaf.org/processed/NSK%7C' .. id	end
function ntaLink( id )	return 'http://opc4.kb.nl/PPN?PPN=' .. id	end
function nukatLink( id )	return 'http://viaf.org/processed/NUKAT%7C' .. id	end

function orcidLink( id )
	id = id:gsub( '[ %-]', '' ):upper()
	return 'http://orcid.org/' .. id

function declaratorLink( id )	return 'http://declarator.org/person/' .. id .. '/'	end
function gutenbergLink( id )	return 'http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/' .. id 	end
function promodjLink( id )	return 'http://promodj.com/' .. id	end
function prozaRuLink( id )	return 'http://proza.ru/avtor/' .. id end
function ptbnpLink( id )	return 'http://viaf.org/processed/PTBNP%7C' .. id	end
function rkdArtistsLink( id )	return 'http://www.rkd.nl/rkddb/dispatcher.aspx?action=search&database=ChoiceArtists&search=priref=' .. id	end
function rkdImagesLink( id )	return 'http://explore.rkd.nl/en/images/' .. id	end
function rodovidLink( id )	return 'http://ru.rodovid.org/wk/Person:' .. id	end
function rottentomatoesLink( id )	return 'http://www.rottentomatoes.com/' .. id	end
function rslLink( id )	return 'http://aleph.rsl.ru/F?func=find-b&find_code=SYS&adjacent=Y&local_base=RSL11&request=' .. id	end

function rutubeLink( id )
	if string.match( id, '^%d+$' ) then
		return 'http://rutube.ru/video/persion/' .. id .. '/'
	return 'http://' .. id .. '.rutube.ru/'

function samlibRuLink( id )
	local firstChar = mw.ustring.sub( id, 1, 1 )
	return 'http://samlib.ru/' .. firstChar .. '/' .. id .. '/'

function selibrLink( id )	return 'http://libris.kb.se/auth/' .. id	end
function stihiRuLink( id )	return 'http://stihi.ru/avtor/' .. id end
function sudocLink( id )	return 'http://www.idref.fr/' .. id	end
function ulanLink( id )	return 'http://www.getty.edu/vow/ULANFullDisplay?find=&role=&nation=&subjectid=' .. id	end
function vimeoLink( id )	return 'https://vimeo.com/' .. id	end
function viafLink( id )	return 'http://viaf.org/viaf/' .. id	end
function youtubeLink( id )	return 'https://youtube.com/' .. id	end
function youtubeLinkLong( id )  return 'https://youtube.com/channel/' .. id end

function getLabelWithoutLink( id, defaultLabel )
	return mw.wikibase.label( id ) or defaultLabel;

function getLabelWithLink( id, defaultTitle, label )
	local link = mw.wikibase.sitelink( id );
	if ( link ~= nil ) then
		return '[[' .. link .. '|' .. label .. ']]';
	local title = mw.wikibase.label( id ) or defaultTitle;
	return '<span title="' .. title .. '" style="border-bottom: 1px dotted; cursor: help;">' .. label .. '</span>'

local socialNetworkProperties = {
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q116933', 'ВКонтакте'),   		'P3185',		function( id ) return 'https://vk.com/' .. id end,								categoryExternalLink( 'ВКонтакте' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q4101720', 'В кругу друзей'),	'Q4101720',		function( id ) return 'http://' .. id .. '.vkrugudruzei.ru/' end,				categoryExternalLink( 'В кругу друзей' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q219523', 'Илыше журнал'),		'P3258',		function( id ) return 'http://' .. id .. '.livejournal.com/' end,				categoryExternalLink( 'Илыше журнал' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q219523', 'Илыше журнал'),		'Q219523',		function( id ) return 'http://' .. id .. '.livejournal.com/' end,				categoryExternalLink( 'Илыше журнал' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q4299813', 'Мой круг'),			'Q4299813',		function( id ) return 'http://' .. id .. '.moikrug.ru/' end,					categoryExternalLink( 'Мой круг' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q4299858', 'Мой мир'),			'Q4299858',		function( id ) return 'http://my.mail.ru/' .. id end,							categoryExternalLink( 'Мой мир' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q1123836', 'Одноклассники'),	'Q1123836',		function( id ) return 'https://ok' .. '.ru/profile/' .. id end,	categoryExternalLink( 'Одноклассники' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q17195318', 'Спрашивай.Ру'),	'Q17195318',	function( id ) return 'http://sprashivai.ru/' .. id end,						categoryExternalLink( 'Спрашивай.Ру' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q171186', 'Blogger'),   		'Q171186',		function( id ) return 'http://' .. id .. '.blogspot.com' end,					categoryExternalLink( 'Blogger' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q4037665', 'Dudu'),    			'Q4037665',		function( id ) return 'http://dudu.com/' .. id end,								categoryExternalLink( 'Dudu' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q355', 'Facebook'), 		   	'P2013',		function( id ) return 'https://www.facebook.com/' .. id end,					categoryExternalLink( 'Facebook' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q356', 'Google+'),				'P2847',			function( id ) return 'https://plus.google.com/' .. id .. '/posts' end,			categoryExternalLink( 'Google+' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q356', 'Google+'),				'Q356',			function( id ) return 'https://plus.google.com/' .. id .. '/posts' end,			categoryExternalLink( 'Google+' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q4043051', 'LiveInternet'),		'Q4043051',		function( id ) return 'http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/' .. id end,			categoryExternalLink( 'LiveInternet' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q40629', 'MySpace'),			'Q40629',		function( id ) return 'https://myspace.com/' .. id end,							categoryExternalLink( 'MySpace' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q40629', 'MySpace'),			'P3265',		function( id ) return 'https://myspace.com/' .. id end,							categoryExternalLink( 'MySpace' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q17144398', 'QRoom'),			'Q17144398',	function( id ) return 'http://qroom.ru/' .. id end,								categoryExternalLink( 'QRoom' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q1002972', 'Spring.me'),		'Q1002972',		function( id ) return 'http://www.spring.me/' .. id end,						categoryExternalLink( 'Spring.me' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q384060', 'Tumblr'),			'Q384060',		function( id ) return 'http://' .. id .. '.tumblr.com/' end,					categoryExternalLink( 'Tumblr' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q918', 'Twitter'),				'P2002',		function( id ) return 'https://twitter.com/' .. id end,							categoryExternalLink( 'Twitter' ) },

local textsProperties = {
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	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q17195344', '«Самиздат» журнал'),	'Q17195344',	samlibRuLink,		categoryExternalLink( 'Самиздат' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q22673', '«Гутенберг» проект'),		'P2034',		gutenbergLink,		categoryExternalLink( 'Проект «Гутенберг»' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q4380129', 'Проза.ру'),				'Q4380129',		prozaRuLink,		categoryExternalLink( 'Проза.ру' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q4442644', 'Стихи.ру'),				'Q4442644',		stihiRuLink,		categoryExternalLink( 'Стихи.ру' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q17300505', 'Lib.Ru/Фантастика'),	'Q17300505',	fanLibRuLink,		categoryExternalLink( 'Lib.Ru/Фантастика' ) },

local labelAllocine = getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q31165', 'AlloCine' );
local labelAnimeNewsNetwork = getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q220509', 'Anime News Network' );
local labelDeezer = getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q602243', 'Deezer' );
local labelDiscogs = getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q504063', 'Discogs' );
local labelIBDb = getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q31964', 'Internet Broadway Database' );
local labelISFDb = getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q2629164', 'Internet Speculative Fiction Database' );
local labelMusicBrainz = getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q14005', 'MusicBrainz' );
local labelEncyclopaediaMetallum = getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q938726', 'Encyclopaedia Metallum' );
local labelYandexMusic = getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q4537983', 'Яндекс.Сем' );
local labelYouTube = getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q866', 'YouTube' );

local contentHostingProperties = {
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	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q545966', 'Bandcamp'),			'P3283',		function( id ) return 'https://' .. id .. '.bandcamp.com' end,		categoryExternalLink( 'Bandcamp' ) },
	{ labelDeezer,											'P2722',		function(id) return 'http://www.deezer.com/artist/' .. id end,		categoryExternalLink( 'Deezer' ), 				false	},
	{ labelDeezer,											'P2723',		function(id) return 'http://www.deezer.com/album/' .. id end,		categoryExternalLink( 'Deezer' ), 				false	},
	{ labelDeezer,											'P2724',		function(id) return 'http://www.deezer.com/track/' .. id end,		categoryExternalLink( 'Deezer' ), 				false	},
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q103204', 'Flickr' ),			'Q103204',		flickrLink,				categoryExternalLink( 'Flickr' ),		false	},
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q209330', 'Instagram' ),		'P2003',		function( id ) return 'http://instagram.com/' .. id end,	categoryExternalLink( 'Instagram' ),	false	},
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q183718', 'Last.fm' ),			'P3192',		lastfmLink,				categoryExternalLink( 'Last.fm' ),		false	},
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q6883832', 'Mixcloud' ),		'Q6883832',		mixcloudLink,			categoryExternalLink( 'Mixcloud' ),		false	},
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q2572292', 'Musopen' ),			'P2338',		function( id ) return 'https://musopen.org/composer/' .. id .. '/' end,			categoryExternalLink( 'Musopen' ),		false	},
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q17117201', 'PROMODJ' ),		'Q17117201',	promodjLink,			categoryExternalLink( 'PROMODJ' ),		false	},
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q372827', 'Rutube' ),			'Q372827',		rutubeLink,				categoryExternalLink( 'Rutube' ),		false	},
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q568769', 'SoundCloud' ),			'P3040',		function( id ) return 'http://soundcloud.com/' .. id .. '/' end,			categoryExternalLink( 'SoundCloud' ),	false	},
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q568769', 'SoundCloud' ),		'Q568769',		function( id ) return 'http://soundcloud.com/' .. id .. '/' end,			categoryExternalLink( 'SoundCloud' ),	false	},
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q156376', 'Vimeo' ),			'Q156376',		vimeoLink,				categoryExternalLink( 'Vimeo' ),		false	},
	{ labelYandexMusic,		'P1553',		function(id) return 'https://music.yandex.ru/artist/' .. id end,	categoryExternalLink( 'Яндекс.Музыка' ),	false	},
	{ labelYandexMusic,		'P2819',		function(id) return 'https://music.yandex.ru/album/' .. id end,			categoryExternalLink( 'Яндекс.Музыка' ),	false 	},
	{ labelYouTube,			'P2397',		youtubeLinkLong,	categoryExternalLink( 'YouTube' ),	false	},
	{ labelYouTube,			'Q866',			youtubeLink,		categoryExternalLink( 'YouTube' ),	false	},

local themeProfilesProperties = {
	-- science and technic
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q494817', 'Google Scholar' ),								'P1960',	function( id ) return 'https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=' .. id end,			categoryExternalLink( 'Google Scholar' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q829984', 'Mathematics Genealogy Project' ),				'P549',		function( id ) return 'http://www.genealogy.ams.org/id.php?id=' .. id	end,			categoryExternalLink( 'Математическая генеалогия' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q1373513', 'Notable Names Database' ),						'P1263',	function( id ) return 'http://nndb.com/people/' .. id end,								categoryExternalLink( 'NNDB' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q51044', 'ORCID' ),											'P496',		orcidLink,																				categoryExternalLink( 'ORCID' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q7315186', 'ResearcherID' ),								'P1053',	function( id ) return 'http://www.researcherid.com/rid/' .. id	end,					categoryExternalLink( 'ResearcherID' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q371467', 'Scopus' ),										'P1153',	function( id ) return 'http://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=' .. id	end,	categoryExternalLink( 'Scopus' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q1061861', 'Structurae' ),									'P2418',	function( id ) return 'http://structurae.de/personen/' .. id end,						categoryExternalLink( 'Structurae' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q18241050', 'zbMATH' ),										'P1556',	function( id ) return 'https://www.zbmath.org/authors/?q=ai:' .. id end,				categoryExternalLink( 'zbMATH' ) },

	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q18002875', 'Sports-Reference.com' ),						'P1447',	function( id ) return 'http://www.sports-reference.com/olympics/athletes/' .. id .. '.html' end,	categoryExternalLink( 'Sports-Reference.com' ) },

	-- audio and video
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q477809', 'AllMovie' ),										'P1562',	function(id) return 'http://www.allmovie.com/movie/' .. id end,					categoryExternalLink( 'AllMovie' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q477809', 'AllMovie' ),										'P2019',	function(id) return 'http://www.allmovie.com/artist/' .. id end,				categoryExternalLink( 'AllMovie' ) },

	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q31181', 'AllMusic' ),										'P1728',	function(id) return 'http://www.allmusic.com/artist/' .. id end,				categoryExternalLink( 'AllMusic' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q31181', 'AllMusic' ),										'P1729',	function(id) return 'http://www.allmusic.com/album/' .. id end,					categoryExternalLink( 'AllMusic' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q31181', 'AllMusic' ),										'P1730',	function(id) return 'http://www.allmusic.com/song/' .. id end,					categoryExternalLink( 'AllMusic' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q31181', 'AllMusic' ),										'P1994',	function(id) return 'http://www.allmusic.com/composition/' .. id end,			categoryExternalLink( 'AllMusic' ) },

	{ labelAllocine,																	'P1265',	function(id) return 'http://www.allocine.fr/film/fichefilm_gen_cfilm=' .. id .. '.html'	end,				categoryExternalLink( 'AlloCiné' ) },
	{ labelAllocine,																	'P1266',	function(id) return 'http://www.allocine.fr/personne/fichepersonne_gen_cpersonne=' .. id .. '.html'	end,	categoryExternalLink( 'AlloCiné' ) },
	{ labelAllocine,																	'P1267',	function(id) return 'http://www.allocine.fr/series/ficheserie_gen_cserie=' .. id .. '.html'	end,			categoryExternalLink( 'AlloCiné' ) },

	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'P1688', 'AniDB' ),											'P1688',	aniDBLink,						categoryExternalLink( 'AniDB' ) },
	{ labelAnimeNewsNetwork,															'P1982',	function(id) return 'http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=' .. id end,	categoryExternalLink( 'Anime News Network' ) },
	{ labelAnimeNewsNetwork,															'P1983',	function(id) return 'http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/company.php?id=' .. id end,	categoryExternalLink( 'Anime News Network' ) },
	{ labelAnimeNewsNetwork,															'P1984',	function(id) return 'http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/manga.php?id=' .. id end,		categoryExternalLink( 'Anime News Network' ) },
	{ labelAnimeNewsNetwork,															'P1985',	function(id) return 'http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=' .. id end,			categoryExternalLink( 'Anime News Network' ) },

	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q223142', 'Box Office Mojo' ),								'P1237',	boxofficemojoLink,				categoryExternalLink( 'Box Office Mojo' ) },

	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q3561957', 'ČSFD' ),										'P2529',	function(id) return 'http://www.csfd.cz/film/' .. id end,	categoryExternalLink( 'ČSFD' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q3561957', 'ČSFD' ),										'P2605',	function(id) return 'http://www.csfd.cz/tvurce/' .. id end,	categoryExternalLink( 'ČSFD' ) },

	{ labelDiscogs,										'P1953',	function(id) return 'http://www.discogs.com/artist/' .. id end,				categoryExternalLink( 'Discogs' ) },
	{ labelDiscogs,										'P1954',	function(id) return 'http://www.discogs.com/master/' .. id end,				categoryExternalLink( 'Discogs' ) },
	{ labelDiscogs,										'P1955',	function(id) return 'http://www.discogs.com/label/' .. id end,				categoryExternalLink( 'Discogs' ) },
	{ labelDiscogs,										'P2206',	function(id) return 'http://www.discogs.com/release/' .. id end,			categoryExternalLink( 'Discogs' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q2638147', 'FilmAffinity' ),								'P480',		function(id) return 'http://www.filmaffinity.com/en/film' .. id .. '.html' end,	categoryExternalLink( 'FilmAffinity' ) },
	{ labelEncyclopaediaMetallum,														'P1952',	function(id) return 'http://www.metal-archives.com/bands//' .. id end,			categoryExternalLink( 'Encyclopaedia Metallum' ) },
	{ labelEncyclopaediaMetallum,														'P1989',	function(id) return 'http://www.metal-archives.com/artists//' .. id end,		categoryExternalLink( 'Encyclopaedia Metallum' ) },
	{ labelEncyclopaediaMetallum,														'P2721',	function(id) return 'http://www.metal-archives.com/release.php?id=' .. id end,		categoryExternalLink( 'Encyclopaedia Metallum' ) },
	{ labelIBDb,																		'P1217',	ibdbVenueLink,					categoryExternalLink( 'IBDb' ) },
	{ labelIBDb,																		'P1218',	ibdbProductionLink,				categoryExternalLink( 'IBDb' ) },
	{ labelIBDb,																		'P1219',	ibdbShowLink,					categoryExternalLink( 'IBDb' ) },
	{ labelIBDb,																		'P1220',	ibdbPersonLink,					categoryExternalLink( 'IBDb' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q37312', 'Internet Movie Database' ),						'P345',		imdbLink,						categoryExternalLink( 'IMDb' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q523660', 'International Music Score Library Project' ),	'P839',		imslpLink,						categoryExternalLink( 'IMSLP' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q150248', 'Metacritic' ), 'P1712', function( id ) return 'http://www.metacritic.com/' .. id end, categoryExternalLink( 'Metacritic' ) },
	{ labelMusicBrainz,																	'P434',		musicBrainzArtistLink,			categoryExternalLink( 'MusicBrainz' ) },
	{ labelMusicBrainz,																	'P435',		musicBrainzWorkLink,			categoryExternalLink( 'MusicBrainz' ) },
	{ labelMusicBrainz,																	'P436',		musicBrainzReleazeGroupLink,	categoryExternalLink( 'MusicBrainz' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q22673', 'Project Gutenberg' ),								'P1938',	function(id) return 'http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/author/' .. id end,		categoryExternalLink( 'Project Gutenberg' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q105584', 'Rotten Tomatoes' ),								'P1258',	rottentomatoesLink,				categoryExternalLink( 'Rotten Tomatoes' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q4066284', 'Аниматор.ру' ),									'P1934',	function(id) return 'http://www.animator.ru/db/?p=show_film&fid=' .. id end,	categoryExternalLink( 'Аниматор.ру' ) },

	-- literature
	{ labelISFDb,																		'P1233',	isfdbAuthorLink,				categoryExternalLink( 'ISFDb' ) },
	{ labelISFDb,																		'P1234',	isfdbPublicationLink,			categoryExternalLink( 'ISFDb' ) },
	{ labelISFDb,																		'P1235',	isfdbSeriesLink,				categoryExternalLink( 'ISFDb' ) },
	{ labelISFDb,																		'P1239',	isfdbPublisherLink,				categoryExternalLink( 'ISFDb' ) },

	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q17299517', 'RKDartists' ),									'P650',		rkdArtistsLink,					categoryExternalLink( 'RKDartists' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q17299580', 'RKDimages' ),									'P350',		rkdImagesLink,					categoryExternalLink( 'RKDimages' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q24694883', 'ECARTICO' ),									'P2915',	function(id) return 'http://www.vondel.humanities.uva.nl/ecartico/persons/' .. id end,		categoryExternalLink( 'ECARTICO' ) },
	-- common
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q649227', 'Родовод' ),										'P1185',	rodovidLink,					categoryExternalLink( 'Родовод' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q20035614', 'Декларатор' ),									'P1883',	declaratorLink,					categoryExternalLink( 'Декларатор' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q41226', 'Open Directory Project' ),						'P998',		dmozLink,						categoryExternalLink( 'DMOZ' ) },
	{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q63056', 'Find a Grave' ),									'P535',		findagraveLink,					categoryExternalLink( 'Find a Grave' ) },


local authorityControl = {
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q213678', 'Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana', 'BAV'),				'P1017',	bavLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'BAV' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q4584301', '', 'BIBSYS'),											'P1015', 	bibsysLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'BIBSYS' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q1200925', 'Biblioteca de Catalunya', 'BNC'),						'P1273',	bncLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'BNC' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q750403', 'Biblioteca Nacional de España', 'BNE'),					'P950', 	bneLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'BNE' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q193563', 'Bibliothèque nationale de France', 'BNF'), 				'P268', 	bnfLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'BNF' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q1868372', 'Biografisch Portaal', 'BPN'),							'P651',		bpnLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'BPN' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q9384291', '中国高等教育文献保障系统', 'CALIS'),					'P270', 	calisLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'CALIS' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q17299677', 'China Biographical Database Project', 'CBDB'),		'P497', 	cbdbLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'CBDB' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q10726338', 'Citation Information by NII', 'CiNii'),				'P271', 	ciniiLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'CiNii' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q16744133', 'CONOR', 'CONOR'), 									'P1280',	conorLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'CONOR' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q501851', 'مكتبة الإسكندرية الجديدة', 'EGAXA'),					'P1309', 	egaxaLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'EGAXA' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q36578', 'Gemeinsame Normdatei', 'GND'),							'P227', 	gndLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'GND' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q3803707', 'Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico', 'ICCU'),		'P396', 	iccuLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'ICCU' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q423048', 'International Standard Name Identifier', 'ISNI'),		'P213',		isniLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'ISNI' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q620946', 'Library of Congress Control Number', 'LCCN'),			'P244',		lccnLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'LCCN' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q1133733', 'Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka', 'LNB'),				'P1368',	lnbLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'LNB' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q809830', 'Base Mérimée', 'Mérimée'),								'P380',		merimeeLink,categoryAuthorityControl( 'Mérimée' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q618340', '國家圖書館 (中華民國)', 'NCL'),							'P1048', 	nclLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'NCL' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q477675', '国立国会図書館', 'NDL'),								'P349',		ndlLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'NDL' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q732353', '中国国家图书馆', 'NLC'),								'P1213', 	nlcLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'NLC' ) },
-- NLI numbers seems unstable
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q1967876', 'Národní knihovna České republiky', 'NKC'),				'P691',		nkcLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'NKC' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q623578', 'National Library of Australia', 'NLA'), 				'P409',		nlaLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'NLA' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q1467610', 'Αναγνωριστικό Καθιερωμένων από τον Κατάλογο Καθιερωμένων Όρων της Εθνικής Βιβλιοθήκης της Ελλάδος', 'NLG'),	'P3348',	function(id) return 'http://nlg.okfn.gr/resource/authority/record' .. id end,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'NLG' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q622012', 'Biblioteca Națională a României', 'NLR'), 				'P1003',	nlrLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'NLR' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q631375', 'Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica u Zagrebu', 'NSK'),	'P1375',	nskLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'NSK' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q1526131', 'Koninklijke Bibliotheek', 'NTA'),						'P1006',	ntaLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'NTA' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q1063819', 'Országos Széchényi Könyvtár', 'NSZL'),					'P951',		nszlLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'NSZL' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q11789729', 'Narodowy Uniwersalny Katalog Centralny', 'NUKAT'),	'P1207',	nukatLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'NUKAT' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q245966', 'Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal', 'PTBNP'),				'P1005',	ptbnpLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'PTBNP' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q1048694', 'Российская государственная библиотека', 'РГБ'),		'P947', 	rslLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'RSL' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q953058', 'Kungliga biblioteket', 'LIBRIS'),						'P906',		selibrLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'SELIBR' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q2597810', 'Système universitaire de documentation', 'SUDOC'),		'P269',		sudocLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'SUDOC' ) },    
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q54919', 'Virtual International Authority File', 'VIAF'),			'P214',		viafLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'VIAF' ) },
	{ getLabelWithLink( 'Q2494649', 'Union List of Artist Names', 'ULAN' ),					'P245',		ulanLink,	categoryAuthorityControl( 'ULAN' ) },

function getQualifierSingleValue( statement, qualifierName )
	if (statement ~= nil
			and statement.qualifiers ~= nil
			and statement.qualifiers[qualifierName] ~= nil) then

		for qualifierIndex, qualifier in pairs( statement.qualifiers[qualifierName] ) do
			if (qualifier.datavalue ~= nil
					and qualifier.datavalue.type ~= nil
					and qualifier.datavalue.value ~= nil) then

				if ( qualifier.datavalue.type == "monolingualtext" ) then
					return qualifier.datavalue.value.text;
				if ( qualifier.datavalue.type == "string" ) then
					return qualifier.datavalue.value;
				if ( qualifier.datavalue.type == "wikibase-entityid" ) then
					return 'Q' .. qualifier.datavalue.value["numeric-id"];
				mw.log( 'Unknown qualifier type: ' .. qualifier.datavalue.type )
				return qualifier.datavalue.value;


	return nil;

function getQualifierValues( statement, qualifierName )
	local result = {}
	if (statement ~= nil
			and statement.qualifiers ~= nil
			and statement.qualifiers[qualifierName] ~= nil) then
		local qualifiers = statement.qualifiers[qualifierName];
		for _, qualifier in pairs( qualifiers ) do
			if (qualifier.datavalue ~= nil
				and qualifier.datavalue.type ~= nil
				and qualifier.datavalue.value ~= nil) then

				if ( qualifier.datavalue.type == "string" ) then
					result[#result+1] = qualifier.datavalue.value;
				elseif ( qualifier.datavalue.type == "wikibase-entityid" ) then
					result[#result+1] = 'Q' .. qualifier.datavalue.value["numeric-id"];
					mw.log( 'Unknown qualifier type: ' .. qualifier.datavalue.type );
					result[#result+1] = 'Q' .. qualifier.datavalue.value;
	return result;

function collectLinks( configuration, elementId )

	local moduleLanguages
	if ( mw.title.makeTitle( 'Module', 'Languages' ).exists
			and mw.title.makeTitle( 'Module', 'Languages/data' ).exists
			and mw.title.makeTitle( 'Module', 'Wikidata/Language-codes' ).exists) then
		moduleLanguages = require('Module:Languages');
		moduleLanguages = false;

	--Create rows
	local elements = {}
	local data = {}

	local item = mw.wikibase.getEntity( elementId )
	if item == nil or item.claims == nil then
		return elements

	if ( item.claims['P553'] ~= nil ) then
		local claim = item.claims['P553']
		for _, statement in pairs( claim ) do
			if (statement ~= nil) then
				-- profile ID
				local rank = statement.rank or 'normal';
				if ( rank ~= 'deprecated' ) then
					local itemId = getQualifierSingleValue( statement, 'P554' );
					if (itemId ~= nil) then
						-- language
						local languages = getQualifierValues( statement, 'P407' );
						local resourceId = 'Q' .. statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id']
						if (data[resourceId] == nil) then
							data[resourceId] = {};
						table.insert( data[resourceId], { itemId = itemId, languages = languages, rank = rank} )

	for _, params in pairs( configuration ) do
		local resourceId = params[2]

		local claim = item.claims[ resourceId ]
		if ( claim ) then
			for _, statement in pairs( claim ) do
				local rank = statement.rank or 'normal';
				if ( rank ~= 'deprecated' and statement.mainsnak.datavalue) then
					local itemId = statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value;
					local languages = getQualifierValues( statement, 'P407' );
					if (data[resourceId] == nil) then
						data[resourceId] = {};
					table.insert( data[resourceId], { itemId = itemId, languages = languages, rank = rank} );

	for resourceId, resourceDatas in pairs( data ) do
		data[resourceId] = filterByRank( resourceDatas );

	local hasNonOptionalLinks = false

	for _, params in pairs( configuration ) do
		local resourceLabel = params[1]
		local firstChar = mw.ustring.sub( resourceLabel, 1, 1 );
		local separateDesign = firstChar == '[' or firstChar == '<';

		local resourceId = params[2]
		local optional = params[5] or false;

		local resourceDatas = data[resourceId];
		if resourceDatas ~= nil then
			if ( not optional ) then
				hasNonOptionalLinks = true

			local html = '';
			if ( separateDesign ) then
				html = html .. resourceLabel .. ':&nbsp;';
			for index, resourceData in pairs(resourceDatas) do
				local itemId = resourceData.itemId;
				local languages = resourceData.languages;
				local link = params[3] ( itemId );
				local linkFirstChar;
				local interwiki;
				if ( link ) then
					linkFirstChar = mw.ustring.sub( link, 1, 1 );
					interwiki = linkFirstChar == ':'

				if ( separateDesign ) then
					if ( index ~= 1 ) then
						html = html .. ',&nbsp;'
					if ( link ) then
						if ( interwiki ) then
							html = html .. '[[' .. link .. '|' .. itemId .. ']]';
							html = html .. '[' .. link .. ' ' .. itemId .. ']';
						html = html .. itemId;
					if ( index ~= 1 ) then
						html = html .. ' · '
					if ( link ) then
						if ( interwiki ) then
							html = html .. '[[' .. link .. '|' .. resourceLabel .. ']]';
							html = html .. '[' .. link .. ' ' .. resourceLabel .. ']';
						-- it should not happen
						html = html .. resourceLabel .. ':&nbsp;' .. itemId;

					if ( moduleLanguages ) then
						if ( languages ~= nil and #languages > 0 ) then
							for langIndex, language in pairs(languages) do
								html = html .. '&nbsp;' .. moduleLanguages.getRefHtml( language )
			if ( #params >= 4 and params[4] ) then
				html = html .. '[[Category:' .. params[4] .. ']]'
			table.insert( elements, html )

	if ( not hasNonOptionalLinks ) then
		return {}

	return elements

function collectDictionaryLinks( elementId )
	--Create rows
	local elements = {}

	local item = mw.wikibase.getEntity( elementId );
	if ( item == nil or item.claims == nil) then
		return elements

	local sourceToElementLinks = {};

	local claim = item.claims['P1343']
	if ( claim ) then
		for _, statement in pairs( claim ) do
			if (statement ~= nil) then
				local rank = statement.rank or 'normal';
				if ( rank ~= 'deprecated' ) then
					local resourceId = 'Q' .. statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id']
					local languages = getQualifierValues( statement, 'P407' );
					-- Wikisource link ?
					local entityId = getQualifierSingleValue( statement, 'P805' ) or getQualifierSingleValue( statement, 'P248' );
					if ( entityId ) then
						if (sourceToElementLinks[resourceId] == nil) then
							sourceToElementLinks[resourceId] = {};
						table.insert( sourceToElementLinks[resourceId], { entityId = entityId, languages = languages, rank = rank} );
					-- URL to encyclopedia
					local url = getQualifierSingleValue( statement, 'P854' );
					if (url ~= nil) then
						if (sourceToElementLinks[resourceId] == nil) then
							sourceToElementLinks[resourceId] = {};
						table.insert( sourceToElementLinks[resourceId], { url = url, languages = languages, rank = rank} );

	for _, description in pairs( dictionaries ) do
		if ( description.linkF ) then
			local claim = item.claims[ description.id ];
			if ( claim ) then
				for _, statement in pairs( claim ) do
					local rank = statement.rank or 'normal';
					if ( rank ~= 'deprecated' and statement.mainsnak.datavalue) then
						local value = statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value;
						local url = description.linkF( value );
						local languages = getQualifierValues( statement, 'P407' );
						if ( sourceToElementLinks[description.id] == nil) then
							sourceToElementLinks[description.id] = {};
						table.insert( sourceToElementLinks[description.id], { url = url, languages = languages, rank = rank} );

	local html = '';
	for _, description in pairs( dictionaries ) do
		local links = sourceToElementLinks[ description.id ];
		if ( links ) then
			for _, link in pairs( links ) do
				if ( link.url ) then
					table.insert( elements, '[' .. link.url .. ' ' .. description.title .. ']' )

				if ( link.entityId ) then
					local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity( link.entityId );
					if ( entity and entity.sitelinks and entity.sitelinks[description.project] ) then
						table.insert( elements, '[[' ..  description.projectCode .. entity.sitelinks[description.project].title .. '|' .. description.title .. ']]' )

	return elements

function contains( tableStructure, value )
	if ( tableStructure == nil or value == nil) then
		return true;
	for index, line in pairs( tableStructure ) do
		if (line == value) then
			return true;
	return false;

function filterByRank( resourceDatas )
	-- itemId, languages. rank = rank
	local hasPreffered = false;
	for index, resourceData in pairs(resourceDatas) do
		if ( resourceData.rank == 'preferred' ) then
			hasPreffered = true;
	if (not hasPreffered) then
		return resourceDatas;

	local result = {};
	for index, resourceData in pairs(resourceDatas) do
		if ( resourceData.rank == 'preferred' or contains(resourceData.languages, preferredLanguage) ) then
			table.insert(result, resourceData);

	return result;

function p.render( frame )
	local colorArg = '';
	local elementId = nil;
	if ( frame ~= nil ) then
		local parentArgs = frame:getParent().args
		colorArg = parentArgs[templateColorName] or parentArgs["color"] or parentArgs[1] or '';
		if parentArgs['d'] and parentArgs['d'] ~= '' then
			elementId = string.upper( parentArgs['d'] );
		local firstChar = mw.ustring.sub( colorArg, 1, 1 );
		if ( firstChar ~= '#' ) then
			local byTemplate = colorByTitle( frame, colorArg );
			if ( byTemplate ) then
				colorArg = byTemplate;

	local navboxData = {
		name  = 'External links',
		navboxclass = 'navbox ruwikiArticleExternalLinksTable',
		bodyclass = 'hlist',
	if colorArg and colorArg ~= '' then
		navboxData.groupstyle = 'background: ' .. colorArg .. ';'

	local rowIndex = 1

	local socialNetworksElements = collectLinks( socialNetworkProperties, elementId );
	if ( #socialNetworksElements > 0 ) then
		navboxData['group' .. rowIndex] = group1Label
		navboxData['list' .. rowIndex] = table.concat( socialNetworksElements , ' · ' )
		rowIndex = rowIndex + 1

	local textsElements = collectLinks( textsProperties, elementId );
	if ( #textsElements > 0 ) then
		navboxData['group' .. rowIndex] = group2Label
		navboxData['list' .. rowIndex] = table.concat( textsElements , ' · ' )
		rowIndex = rowIndex + 1

	local contentHostingElements = collectLinks( contentHostingProperties, elementId );
	if ( #contentHostingElements > 0 ) then
		navboxData['group' .. rowIndex] = group3Label
		navboxData['list' .. rowIndex] = table.concat( contentHostingElements , ' · ' )
		rowIndex = rowIndex + 1

	local themeProfilesElements = collectLinks( themeProfilesProperties, elementId );
	if ( #themeProfilesElements > 0 ) then
		navboxData['group' .. rowIndex] = group4Label
		navboxData['list' .. rowIndex] = table.concat( themeProfilesElements , ' · ' )
		rowIndex = rowIndex + 1

	local dictionaryElements = collectDictionaryLinks();
	if ( #dictionaryElements > 0 ) then
		navboxData['group' .. rowIndex] = group5Label
		navboxData['list' .. rowIndex] = table.concat( dictionaryElements , ' · ' )
		rowIndex = rowIndex + 1

	local authorityControlElements = collectLinks( authorityControl, elementId );
	if ( #authorityControlElements > 0 ) then
		navboxData['group' .. rowIndex] = group6Label
		navboxData['list' .. rowIndex] = table.concat( authorityControlElements , ' · ' )
		rowIndex = rowIndex + 1

	if ( rowIndex == 1 ) then
		if ( mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 0 ) then
			return '[[Category:' .. categoryTemplateEmpty .. ']]'
		navboxData['group1'] = '<div style="padding: 0px 18px 0px 0px; width: 100%;"><div style="float: left; margin-left: -0.25em;">' .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'tnavbar-view', args = { templateLink } } .. '</div>&nbsp;&nbsp;' .. navboxData['group1'] .. '</div>'

	local navbox = moduleNavbox._navbox( navboxData )
	return navbox

function p.renderDocumentation( )
	local result = ''
	result = result .. '|-\n'
	result = result .. '! colspan=4 | ' .. group1Label .. '\n'
	result = result .. '|-\n'
	result = result .. renderDocumentationCategory( socialNetworkProperties );
	result = result .. '|-\n'
	result = result .. '! colspan=4 | ' .. group2Label .. '\n'
	result = result .. '|-\n'
	result = result .. renderDocumentationCategory( textsProperties );
	result = result .. '|-\n'
	result = result .. '! colspan=4 | ' .. group3Label .. '\n'
	result = result .. '|-\n'
	result = result .. renderDocumentationCategory( contentHostingProperties );
	result = result .. '|-\n'
	result = result .. '! colspan=4 | ' .. group4Label .. '\n'
	result = result .. '|-\n'
	result = result .. renderDocumentationCategory( themeProfilesProperties );
	result = result .. '|-\n'
	result = result .. '! colspan=4 | ' .. group5Label .. '\n'
	result = result .. '|-\n'
	--result = result .. renderDocumentationCategory( dictionaryProperties );
	result = result .. '|-\n'
	result = result .. '! colspan=4 | ' .. group6Label .. '\n'
	result = result .. '|-\n'
	result = result .. renderDocumentationCategory( authorityControl );
	return result;

function renderDocumentationCategory( links )
	local result = ''
	for _, params in pairs( links ) do
		local resourceLabel = params[1]
		local resourceId = params[2]
		local category = params[4]
		local optional
		if ( params[5] or false ) then
			optional = 'TRUE'
			optional = 'FALSE'
		result = result .. '| ' .. resourceLabel .. '\n'
		if string.match( resourceId, '^P' ) then
			result = result .. '| [[:d:Property:' .. resourceId .. '|' .. resourceId .. ']]\n'
		elseif string.match( resourceId, '^Q' ) then
			result = result .. '| [[:d:' .. resourceId .. '' .. '|' .. resourceId .. ']]\n'
			result = result .. '| &nbsp; \n'

		if ( category ~= nil and category ~= false ) then
			result = result .. '| [[:Category:' .. category .. '|' .. category .. ']]\n'
			result = result .. '| &nbsp; \n'
		result = result .. '| ' .. optional .. '\n'
		result = result .. '|-\n'

	return result;

return p